7 Steps To Clear Your Mind In Difficult Time

7 Steps To Clear Your Mind In Difficult Times

Do you lack focus?

Do you feel stuck, overwhelmed and unable to focus and take action?

Many people have a hard time clearing the thoughts in their mind and get easily distracted. We have 60,000 thoughts per day and we repeat 90% of those thoughts each day. How we are thinking determines our outlook on each day.

In times of crisis, those thoughts can spiral downward, as worry and fear consume your mind. Staying focused and having the ability to concentrate on the tasks at hand can become a challenge. When so many thoughts are floating around in the mind it creates what I call “mental chatter or mental chaos”.

Often this mental chaos is made up of negative thoughts such as worry, fear or guilt. Think about a time when you had positive things going on in your life. Did you feel overwhelmed or drained? No – because they energize you.

Mental ChaosGloom and doom thinking can easily cloud the present. Self-doubt, worry, and fear can also crowd the mind. When these types of thoughts take over in the brain, it can be stressful, upsetting, and sometimes even stop us from moving forward.

The best way to clear mental chaos is to process and organize the thoughts, rather than letting them dance around in your brain. Doing so will allow you to focus on the present and feel more calm and centered.

The following 7 steps have proven very helpful in clearing mental chaos.

1. Journal and/or Write Things Down
A good way to clear mental chaos is to transfer the thoughts onto paper. This can be in the form of a to-do list, an email to a supportive friend, or a journal entry. When the thoughts are recorded, your brain can release them. Additionally, if you feel weighed down by a situation (COVID-19, social distancing or being out of work) writing about it can help you process your feelings. You can get a better handle on the events and how you feel.

2. Connect with Someone and Talk It Out
Many people work through thoughts and feelings by talking them out. If you have an objective person or a coach to talk to it can help. However, the very act of talking is often all it takes, and having someone to talk to isn’t always necessary, as it can be just to yourself. Many people find that just saying things out loud can help you gain perspective and clear your mind.
You can be your inner coach.

3. Pause, Listen and Gain Clarity
Take a moment to just breathe and pause so you can listen to what your thoughts or words are telling you. Are they supportive and encouraging, or are they sabotaging you? Are the thoughts entering your mind judgment or fear? Are they coming from past hurts? Our past experiences and fear of the unknown creeps into our brain and stops us from moving forward. Get clear on what you want and focus on that versus focusing on the things you don’t want. Stop dwelling on the past and focus on the moment – what you want for the future.

4. Change your State
When you feel stuck in states like overwhelm or frustration, it’s time to change your state. A way to do this is to change your environment at those moments, get up, exercise, dance, high five, whatever you need to do to light you up again. Repeat this over and over as it will create new neuro-pathways to help unlock new positive states. Need some help? Snap out of it! Wear an elastic band around your wrist and when overwhelm and worry take over snap the band and refocus on something else.

5. Make a Plan
Once you let go of the worry or stop the mental chaos, it’s time to focus on what you want to accomplish. When your mind is cleared, you can take the appropriate action to move forward. Make a plan which should include some goals. Set goals that are strategic, stretch you, are achievable, meaningful, and results-oriented. If it is not the right time for big goals, then set some small ones to focus on. Make sure there is a deadline when to complete it by, and that you track it.

6. Time to Execute
So, you’ve cleared your mind, gained support and made a plan. Now it’s time execute! Take a step, big or small that moves you towards achievement. Each day make the effort to follow through and take one action to keep you moving forward.

7. Stay Laser-Focused
Learn to keep the end results of your goals in mind. One way to stay focused is to create a visual that you can look at. This visual represents what you want and the fulfillment you receive when you achieve your goals.

Continue to clear your mind and focus on what you want. If you find the mental chaos stirs up again, then it’s time to clear your mind once more. If you are repeating old unsupportive habits, then take action steps that move you toward your goals. Try new things, different actions or reach out to gain another’s perspective or guidance.

For those that need some help, I’m currently offering complimentary mental mastery consultations. Sign up here.

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